Experienced industry professionals or just starting out

we have you covered

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$55 month
billed monthly
  • 1 hour delivery
  • Coverage: Up to 2 screenplays per month
  • 10 total follow-up questions per month
  • Up to 20 Greenlight Tokens per month
  • Unused screenplay uploads rollover up to 3 months
  • Basic Tier

    If you just have one or two projects this is the right one for you.


$109 month
billed monthly
  • 30 mins delivery
  • Coverage: Up to 5 screenplays per month
  • Unlimited follow-up questions
  • Up to 80 Greenlight Tokens per month
  • Unused screenplay uploads rollover up to 3 months
  • Essential Tier

    Essentials for every producer and writer out there.


$325 month
billed monthly
  • < 15 mins delivery
  • Coverage: Up to 15 screenplays per month
  • Unlimited follow-up questions
  • Up to 200 Greenlight Tokens per month
  • Unused screenplay uploads rollover up to 3 months
  • Pro Tier

    For the producer and writer that needs to get work done.

Need more screenplay coverage? Please send us an email contact@glcoverage.com